Publisher description
mixlUtilities is a tool kit for the Excel user. The add-in simplifies many repetitive tasks by providing a useful set of tools with ease of access from the cell short cut menu. It also comes with access to on-line help and support. The add-in tool kit includes: 1. A fast file access and retrieval menu providing a shortcut organizer to your stored file paths. As well as short cuts to folders for fast file retrieval 2. A Hide and Protection tool for multiple worksheets 3. A tool for locating and finding multiple items in a single operation 4. A tool to compare lists 5. A tool to navigate large worksheets without losing your place. Select and locate your headers on the sheet from a stored list for rapid navigation. A static adjustable and dynamic guide will help you to maintain your row position 6. A multi-lookup tool 7. A multi-Column header lookup tool 8. A multi-find and replace tool 9. A fast multi-filter, simply copy paste multiple items into a list box then apply your filter. Has the ability to draw focus immediately onto the selected items and features a single as well as multi-selection of list items and also includes list storage and retrieval 10. Save typing with a stored text and paste tool 11.A navigation tool for large workbooks 12.A clean, trim and convert to text function 13. Delete empty rows 14. Insert rows on change provides another way to group and separate your data. You can also control the insert row height and colour. The inserted row will then function as a line distinguishing and separating blocks of your data 15. Show duplicates as well as all repeating values. Helps you to understand and correct your data 16. Change case to upper, lower and proper case 17. A cell editing tool to insert delete and move characters within cells 18. A rounding number tool, to save you inserting addition columns and using formulas to round your values 19. A variety of date tools 20. A save copy tool
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